Ted Ed 2019 or -how we like to call it- “our little English club'' is the name of the event for which we worked so hard. Once every two weeks, for a whole year, we did our best to organize our event that took place last week, June 6th. We would gather in a class, talk about ourselves, our passions, our ideas and our hopes for the future. We would talk about our little group, our little English club (with the obligatory 5 o’clock tea, of course), about ways to promote it and to make it reach a wider audience. And so we succeeded. With a great team (including the speakers, the staff, social media “experts”- and we may be putting the word between quotation marks, but they really were just as professional as real experts -, the visual artists and writers) and great ideas, we made each other grow, made our group grow as a whole. Of course, we needed help, as we’re still a little rough around the edges. Fear not, for our great guide, Carmen Lidia Vidu, was there to save the day. She organised us when we couldn’t and, most importantly, gave us precious public speaking advice, which did help us tremendously for the event, but will also help us in our future as well. She seems to have liked it just as much as we did — this is what she said:
“O să ne descurcăm foarte bine”
Joi, 6 iunie de la 18.00, elevii Liceului Bilingv "Miguel de Cervantes" ne invită la TED Education. E un club pe care l-au inițiat anul trecut. Anul acesta am făcut parte din echipa lor. Sunt cool, fresh, schimbători, haioși. Și-au construit discursurile în jurul unor teme foarte personale. Poveștile lor pleacă de la mame, tați, prieteni cu dizabilități, tentative de suicid, imitarea vedetelor, dragostea pentru animale...Sunt 10 vorbitori, dar echipa e mai mare și îi aplaud pe toți.
Thanks not only to her, but to our awesome and caring English teachers, we carried on with the preparation for the big - somewhat stressful, yet rewarding - event.
And so we grew, starting in 2017 (oh, jolly good times, seems like ages ago), with our first generation of members, and continuing in 2018 with our second generation of members, we concluded our second great TedEdEvent that took place this year, in 2019. We succeeded, and we will continue succeeding. We are the past and the present, and we will certainly be the future as well. We are TedEdclub Cervantes!