Proiectul European “Vivre ensemble/ Living together”

The 4th learning, teaching and training activity of our project took place from 8th to 15th November 2018 in our school. We had guests, teachers and students, from France, Italy, Poland and Estonia and we offered them the opportunity to discover a piece of true Romania through culture.

We "lived together" for a week, writting law projects about discrimination at the Parliament Palace, working on our common dictionary, visiting Pelişor Palace and Sinaia Monastery, recording our project song inside the music room at the Memorial House of George Enescu, drafting our common Charter, learning and performing on the stage Romanian traditional dances, talking about the women condition in the traditional society at the Ethnography and Folklore Institute, visiting Suțu Palace and the Faculty of Letters Library, creating beauty during an art workshop ( Art for everybody), participating to an English class. At the end, it was the final show, with dances (traditionals, balet, Spanish), clasical piano music and theater.

Such a beautiful and rich experience!

Such a surprise for our guests! " What a wonderful country, Romania!
We learned a lot here!" they said.

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